The Green Parent

By The Green Parent

14th May 2018

When Ramiel Nagel’s daughter began to suffer from tooth decay at the age of one-and-a-half, he started to research alternative treatments, uncovering what he believes is a direct link between nutrition and cavities

The Green Parent

By The Green Parent

14th May 2018

The Green Parent

By The Green Parent

14th May 2018

‘After my daughter’s teeth started to crumble I went down many pathways looking for solutions to tooth decay, but things became clearer after I’d read Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by dentist Weston Price. His book was the start of my seeing the truth as to the causes of cavities.

Some discoveries were shocking at first, but also made perfect sense. In the 1940s the industry of dentistry switched from a model focused on healing, preventing and curing, to a more business oriented model where the goal was primarily profits. The story was that bacteria cause your teeth to decay, and your gums to recede. However, it has never been proven that bacteria are the primary cause of tooth decay. That is why some people can religiously brush and floss and get cavities, meanwhile there are people who rarely or never brush who are immune to tooth decay and gum disease.

I found that it is what we are putting in our body that makes all the difference. So if a child has a cavity, then the child does not have enough vitamins and minerals in his or her body. Rather than rushing to “fix” or hide the result of the physical deterioration, it is important to understand its real cause, so that lasting changes can be made. Because when the child does not have enough nutrients, it is not just that their teeth are decaying – their entire body is not growing as strong as it should.

In general, for healthy teeth we need adequate minerals, primarily calcium and phosphorus, and fat-soluble vitamins, to instruct our body to deposit the minerals into the teeth and bones. The vitamins necessary to remineralize teeth and bones come from animal fats from healthy animals who have eaten their natural diet – for example, cows should primarily be eating grass. The key sources of vitamins proven to halt tooth decay can be easily found in cod liver oil, and grassfed butter. When consumed together they create a synergistic tooth decay stopping affect.

A growing child might need 1–3 cups of raw, fresh milk a day, and an adult or older child 3–4 cups of milk to obtain adequate calcium. Seek out alternative forms of dairy like buttermilk, sour milk, kefir, and yogurt, and remember cheese is much more dense in calcium and minerals than milk.

Trace minerals can be easily and affordably obtained by eating kelp powder; seaweed, – in particular kelp – provides many minerals that are missing in our diet and is a potent source of iodine. Finally, people often eat too much sugar. If you want your children and your children’s children to be healthy and strong, then they need to eat real food, like our grandparents and great grand parents ate.


READ Ramiel’s books, Cure Tooth Decay, Cure Gum Disease Naturally and Healing Our Children, published by Golden Child

This article appeared in The Green Parent magazine. Subscribe here for as little as £2 a month >