Kate Hodges

By Kate Hodges

25th August 2021

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Sign up for free to the 2021 virtual RBC Race for the Kids!

Kate Hodges

By Kate Hodges

25th August 2021

Kate Hodges

By Kate Hodges

25th August 2021

When? 16-17 October

Where? Wherever you choose

How? Take on your own race, your way, in three easy steps:

1. Choose between 1km, 3km, 5km, 10km or 15km

2. Go it alone or gather a team of friends and family

3. Run, walk, wheel or scoot your very own race.

Why? To raise vital funds for seriously ill children at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH).

Every day, more than 600 seriously ill children and young people from across the UK arrive at GOSH. Every day, doctors and nurses battle the most complex conditions, and the brightest minds come together to achieve pioneering medical breakthroughs.

With the continued uncertainty around COVID-19 as we approach the winter months, Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity’s major fundraising events are remaining virtual.

Yet one thing does remain certain: GOSH still needs your support. Any help you can give means you’ll be making a huge difference to seriously ill children and their families. Find out more here
