By The Green Parent

10th March 2022

When Michigan mother of five, Ginny Yurich, made the commitment to spending at least 4–6 hours of each day outside with her children, she had no idea that nine years later, she’d be leading a global movement.

By The Green Parent

10th March 2022

By The Green Parent

10th March 2022

1000 Hours Outside’s goal is to balance periods spent in nature with screen time, and weave 1000 hours of outdoor time into your family’s year.

“WHEN I WAS A NEW MUM I always felt like I was drowning,” Ginny explains. “The days felt extremely long and overwhelming. A friend introduced me to the works of Charlotte Mason, an English educator born in 1842. One of her notions was that kids should spend 4–6 hours outside on “every tolerable day”.

I initially thought this idea was absurd, but ended up trying it out with a friend. That was a life-changing decision. It seemed nothing short of a miracle how nature engaged my young children. We met up at a park with an open field and shallow creek, brought a picnic lunch, and the kids occupied themselves for four whole hours, jumping off stumps and chasing each other around. What refreshed me also refreshed them; I learned that the developmental benefits that go hand-in-hand with nature play are astounding. 1000 Hours Outside is simply me sharing my journey and inviting others to join in.

There was never any resistance from my kids. In the summer we may spend the entire day outside and in the winter possibly just an hour mid-afternoon. We dress in layers and sled, build snowmen, hike and have winter bonfires. The best time to get outside is whenever you can fit it in! Our kids are homeschooled so that gives us a little more flexibility. That said, families all over the globe are taking the 1000 Hours Outside journey and can attest that it can be done no matter the form of education. School playtime counts. Any time outside counts!

Outdoor kids thrive because nature play benefits children in every facet of development, socially, emotionally, academically, and physically. One particular trait that runs through our children is that they are nimble and surefooted. Their bodies are very competent. Many teachers, day care centres, nature centres, government programmes, chiropractors, and paediatric occupational therapists have shared our tenets.

Sometimes the simplest of changes bring great rewards. In this case, being intentional about nature time floods childhood with hands-on moments and beautiful memories.”


Find free tracker sheets and 1000 Hours kit at
