By The Green Parent

11th July 2019

For many of us the summer holidays are here and, whether your children attend school or you home educate, it can be an expensive time of year. We’ve put together a list of 101 completely free activities for the whole family to enjoy this summer, with many that can be enjoyed indoors in the unpredictable British climate:

By The Green Parent

11th July 2019

By The Green Parent

11th July 2019

1. Go wild swimming

2. Go on a fairy hunt in the woods

3. Make your own book with paper, crayons and lots of imagination

4. Conduct a “density” science experiment in a glass, using water; olive oil and washing up liquid

5. Draw outside with chalks

6. Collect shells on the beach

7. Eat breakfast outside

8. Look for bugs and learn about each one

9. Go foraging for wild foods

10. Visit the library

11. Go for a barefoot walk

12. Have a tea party

13. Go on a treasure hunt

14. Make pirate swords from an old cardboard box

15. Collect leaves and flowers and press them between two sheets of paper in a thick book

16. Make a summer collage with leaves and petals

17. Hunt for and follow animal tracks

18. Picnic in your garden

19. Visit a museum

20. Make a tent in your garden with chairs and an old sheet

21. Make a map

22. Grow a frog from a tadpole

23. Take it in turns to choose films

24. Do some gardening together

25. Fold Origami

26. Write to a pen pal

27. Stargaze and spot constellations

28. Take a bubble bath in water dyed with food colouring

29. Feed the ducks

30. Volunteer

31. Go on a hike

32. Learn magic tricks

33. Go to the playground

34. Find a four leaf clover

35. Climb trees

36. Camp in the garden

37. Make your own jigsaw from a picture you have drawn

38. Have a water fight

39. Watch a sunrise

40. Create an obstacle course in your house or garden

41. Go on a scavenger hunt

42. Visit free local tourist attractions

43. Take lots of pictures

44. Paint your body with watercolour paints

45. Learn some jokes

46. Bake together

47. Learn about charity and donate some things

48. Play hopscotch

49. Take a walk in the rain and enjoy it

50. “Discover” treats in the nook of a tree

51. Paint with water on the floor

52. Roll down a hill

53. Skip stones across a lake

54. Wash the car

55. “Paint” with flower petals and leaves

56. Dig for buried treasure

57. Wear pyjamas out and about

58. Make daisy chain friendship bracelets

59. Create and perform in a show/play

60. Play football

61. Make your own photoshoot, with props

62. Explore your town, go down streets you’ve never been down before

63. Put together a sensory box for babies in the family

64. Make your own playdough

65. Play tig with squirty water bottles

66. Make a giant paperchain

67. Perform a puppet show

68. Make a castle with old boxes

69. Draw around your bodies on the ground with chalk

70. Make masks

71. Put on a musical show using improvised instruments in your house

72. Do some yoga in the great outdoors

73. Create salt dough decorations

74. Race snails

75. Build sandcastles

76. Make a delicious garden meal of mudpies and dandelion salad

77. Create a fancy paper hat

78. Look up and include cultural events in your food shopping

79. Make ice lollies

80. Paint on old t-shirts

81. Play dress-up

82. Visit a farmer’s market

83. Eat dessert for breakfast

84. Make cards

85. Chop up old trousers and make them into shorts

86. Play pooh sticks

87. Follow a nature trail

88. Grow your own potatoes

89. Make an owl from an old toilet roll tube, with the top pressed down at one side to make ears

90. Make an outdoor summer mobile with twigs, leaves and flowers

91. Pick some flowers and make your own potpourri

92. Blow dandelions

93. Watch bees and learn about how they make honey

94. Go to bed when the sun goes down and get up at sunrise, for a whole weekend

95. Host your own Olympics

96. Go on a bike ride

97. Build a tree house

98. Get a closer look at nature with a magnifying glass or binoculars

99. Learn to count in a new language

100. Read books

101. Make a summer memory book with photos, pressed flowers/leaves and drawings
